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Circus Class Descriptions & Pre-Reqs

Intro to Aerial

Intro to Aerial: Are you interested in trying an aerial class, but aren't sure where to start? This class is for you!! Hosted weekly on Sunday mornings, this Intro to Aerial class will give you an opportunity to try 2 apparatuses per class, giving you a taste of the basics while exploring some variety. Come give it a try - get strong, make new friends, and gain confidence an an aerialist!

Silks / Fabric

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What is Silks? Silks, also called Fabric or Tissu, are one long piece of fabric attached in the middle to the ceiling to create two long tails.  As you increase strength and comfort-level, you will learn sequences, drops, slides, and flips that allow you to descend the fabric with style and grace.

Level 1: For students new to aerial, who are building strength, flexibility, and their aerial vocabulary. Make sure t0 wear clothing that covers your torso and the backs of your knees, as the apparatus can burn the skin in those areas.

Level 1/2: This class is designed for beginners who are not quite ready to move to Level 2, and is designed to teach and safely build the foundations of aerial fabric training. Make sure t0 wear clothing that covers your torso and the backs of your knees, as the apparatus can burn the skin in those areas.

Prerequisite Skills: French & Russian climbs, Figure 8 & Dancer footlocks, ability to invert from the ground.

Level 2: For those who have mastered the basics.
Prerequisite skills: Everything above, familiarity with hip key, inverting in the air, Figure 8 & Dancer foot-locks in the air, 20 second bent arm hang.

Level 2 Silks Choreography: Students will use the silks to develop stamina by working through longer sequences, and will be challenged with endurance and encouraged to find their flow in the air. While not a performance course, the content will include pre-choreographed aerial routines. Our focus will be on musicality and expression. If you have an interest in performing, whether now or in the future, this class is for you!
Prerequisite skills: French & Russian climbs, Figure 8 & Dancer footlocks, ability to invert from the ground and in the air, familiarity with hip keys.

Level 3: For the advanced student. With an emphasis on building endurance through sequencing, students will learn transitions, sequences, and more complex drops on the aerial fabric.
Prerequisite skills: Everything above, clean inversions in the air with straight legs, windmills, hip key, comfort in drops.

Lyra / Hoop

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What is Lyra? Lyra, also called Hoop, is a steel ring hung vertically by one or two ropes. As you become more advanced, you will learn to spin the apparatus as you execute skills and poses.

Level 1: For students new to aerial, who are building strength, flexibility, and their aerial vocabulary. Make sure to wear clothing that covers your torso and backs of knees, as Lyra can be painful in those areas to newbies!

Level 1/2: This class is designed to build strength, flexibility, and aerial vocabulary in the hoop. This class is appropriate for brand new beginners, along with those who are working towards level 2. Make sure to wear clothing that covers your torso and backs of knees, as Lyra can be painful in those areas to newbies!

Prerequisite Skills: Unassisted tuck, straddle, and side mount. Double knee hangs.

Level 2 Lyra: For those who have mastered the basics. 

Prerequisite skills: Unassisted tuck, straddle, and side mount in both static and spin mode. Comfortable with pullover mounts, front balance, along with knowledge of Amazon, Gazelle, and Man in the Moon.

Lyra Fluidity 2+: In these classes, students will be exposed to both intermediate & advanced level sequences and choreography on Lyra.

Prerequisite skills: Pullovers, single knee hangs (with spot okay), single elbow hangs (with spot okay), straight legged straddles, working on meathooks.

Level 3 Lyra: For the intermediate / advanced student. 

Prerequisite skills: Single knee and arm hangs, 3-5 skin-the-cats, and straight legged straddles. Unassisted tuck and pullover mount on the top bar.

Level 3/4 Lyra: For the advanced student. 

Prerequisite skills: Single knee, arm, and elbow hangs, inverting in/on the spansets with ease, enough stamina to stay in the air for 3 minutes.

Sling / Hammock

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What is Sling? Aerial Sling (also called Hammock) is one piece of fabric with the two tails connected to the ceiling at the same point to create a trapeze-like apparatus. You will learn skills to stand on the loop, hang from the loop, and wrap yourself in many different positions. As you become more comfortable, you can learn drops, slides, and add spinning.

Level 1: For beginners. This class is designed to build strength, flexibility, and aerial vocabulary in the sling.

Level 2: For those who have mastered the basics. An intermediate sling class for students looking to progress aerial sling skills. We'll work on building strength and fluidity in intermediate and advanced poses, tricks and dynamic transitions.

Prerequisites: Strong pullover to front balance, able to hold invert straddle without backpack, comfortable with saltos/drops.

Sling Choreography: students will use the sling and to develop stamina by working through longer sequences, and will be challenged with endurance and encouraged to find their flow in the air. While not a performance course, the content will include pre-choreographed aerial routines. Our focus will be more on musicality and expression. If you have an interest in performing, whether now or in the future, this class is for you!

Prerequisites: Strong pullover to front balance, able to hold invert straddle without backpack, comfortable with saltos/drops.

Sling 2/3: For the intermediate/advanced student. Focus will be on dynamic skills, harder drops, and longer sequences.

Prerequisites: Inverting from standing, crossback straddle, comfort and familiarity with basic drops.

Sling 3: For the advanced student. 

Prerequisites: Clean invert from standing in the sling, front & back balance, crossback straddle, strong spin technique,  experience & comfort with dynamics, enough endurance to stay in the air for 3 minutes.

Dance Trapeze


What is Trapeze? Dance Trapeze is a bar connected to the ceiling by two ropes to a single point. This allows the student to utilize Sling and Lyra spinning styles on this apparatus. You will learn poses and sequences on and below the bar, as well as on the ropes. As you become more advanced, you will learn to flip around the bar and work on momentum-based skills and tricks, along with adding spinning.

Level 1: For beginners. This class is designed to build strength, flexibility, and aerial vocabulary on the trapeze. Class will include a warm up, a beginner skill, and a sequence, followed by conditioning. Make sure you wear clothes that will cover the backs of your knees & torso. 

Level 2 Choreography: For those who have mastered the basics and want to explore choreography. Base choreo will be given each week, with the encouragement to play and create your own style.

Pre-Requisites: Inverting in the ropes, pullover to front balance, mounting the trapeze in spin mode.

Level 2: For those who have mastered the basics. In this class, you will explore 

Pre-Requisites: Strong pullover to front balance, Russian rolls, Mounting the trapeze in spin mode, inverting in the ropes, understanding of basic poses like gazelle, mermaid, etc.

All Levels Trapeze: In this class, you will learn the various techniques for dance trapeze; along with conditioning, strength, and flexibility exercises. This class is for all levels, including beginners.

Rope / Corde Lisse


What is Rope? Rope, also called Corde Lisse, comes in several styles (braided, twisted, and covered webs). You will learn to climb, invert, and move through poses to create sequences. As you build strength on the apparatus you will learn harder sequences, drops, and how to harness momentum to create excitement in the air. Please note: Rope is a challenging apparatus, and prior aerial experience is highly recommended.


Level 1/2: For students new to rope, but have experience with silks or another aerial apparatus.

Prerequisites: French & Russian climbs, Figure 8 footlocks, Hip Keys, Inverting in the air.

Level 3: For the intermediate/advanced aerialist. Students will learn aerial rope progressions that build on climbs, poses, wraps, and dynamic movement.

Prerequisites: Strong inversion climb with straight legs, windmills/wheeldowns, clean hip key & crotch key, familiarity with beats and hip-hops, front & back balances.



What is Straps? Aerial straps, a pair of two belt-like straps with loops for your wrists or feet, are soon to be your favorite apparatus! Please note: Straps can be rough, so it’s recommended to bring something to cover your wrists - an old pair of socks with some holes cut in them will work just fine. Those with a history of any major shoulder or wrist injuries should get a doctors approval before coming to class.


All Levels Straps: In this class we’ll use straps as a tool to build strength in essential aerial poses, understand movement pathways, and perfect your technique in the air.

Prerequisites: Prior experience with aerial arts is strongly recommended, including being comfortable practicing pull-ups, able to invert and hold a straddle, and familiarity with meathooks. A 30 second handstand against the wall as well as at least 10 pushups is a general pre-req. However, those willing to try will not be turned away.



All Levels: Suitable for all levels (including beginners), this class teaches the skills and techniques necessary to invert confidently. Rotate through drills that target specific movements required to execute a true handstand. Open your shoulders, strengthen your wrists, and fine-tune your body to move in an extraordinary way. Let's get upside down!

Intermediate Handstands: Take your handstands further! Improve your strength and balance with different handstand shapes, different head / gaze placement, and work toward handstand presses and one-arm handstands!

Pre-Requisite: 30 second freestanding handstand or instructor approval. 



Beginner/Intermediate: Acro yoga is playful partner acrobatic practice that builds community, strength, and connection. In this class, you will be introduced to foundational poses and washing machines. Multiple options will be presented each week to make the class more or less challenging. All aspects of acro are covered including basing, flying, and spotting. No partner or pre-requisites are required.

Intermediate/Advanced: You will be introduced to more advanced washing machines that will challenge you to hone your technique, strength, and skills. Some weeks will be focused on beautiful, spinny flows that require great side stars and twisty base feet. Other weeks may be focused on flows that are more flippy, strength-based, or creative. No partner necessary.

Prerequisites: comfortable with dynamic movements in foundational poses and classic washing machines such as ninja star or four-step. 

Acro Jam: An open gym for Acro lovers to practice the skills they already know. This is not for brand new beginners, as there will be no instruction. 



All Levels: Come join our flexibility coaches in this bi-weekly 60-minute all-levels flexibility class! In class, we will focus on building a regiment of safe flexibility. We will work on flexibility and strengthening to help all of your circus endeavors. Please bring water with you! This class will work on back flexibility on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, and leg flexibility on 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays.

Intermediate Back Flexibility: Offered weekly, our inte rmediate back flexibility is for those who have a straight armed bridge, and want to deepen their back flexibility and range of motion. 

Pre-Requisites: a straight armed bridge.

PLEASE NOTE: It is NOT recommended that you take all-levels flexibility before hand if that class is a back day as well (1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month).

Youth & Teen Aerial


Youth/Teen Beginner Aerial: Designed for students of all ages. Your child will learn to fly and dance creatively up in the air! Students will also increase strength and flexibility as they are taught basic hangs, climbs, locks, inversions. Class time includes basic yoga warm-ups, conditioning games on the silks, instruction of skills and poses in the safety of an aerial nest. Offered 3 times a week: Mondays will focus on silks and sling, and Thursdays and Saturdays will explore all 4 major aerial apparatuses. 

Intermediate Youth Aerial: Once your kiddo (aged 7-11) has the basics down, we invite them to come to Level 1/2! Offered weekly, this class is specifically for kids aged 7-11 who want to advance their aerial skills. Class will focus on Silks & Sling.

Prerequisites: Can climb halfway to the top of the silks (both Russian and French climbs), Figure 8 and Dancer Footlocks in the air.

Intermediate Teen Aerial: Offered weekly, this class is designed for the intermediate teen student who has mastered the basics. Emphasis will be on longer sequences, strength, and flow in the air.

Prerequisites: Regular & Russian climbs, Single & Double footlocks in the air, clean invert from the ground, at least one previous class on Lyra, Trapeze, and Sling. Teacher recommendation is also considered.

Other Offerings

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Ballet Barre for Aerialists: Offered weekly on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30, this class focuses on the fundamentals of ballet technique that can be applied to performing in the air. We will focus on basic ballet steps and terms, classical positioning, refining lines, and improving port de bras (arm and head movements) in a traditional barre class structure. This class is open to all levels, no experience required. 

Ground Choreography: Each week in this all-levels class, students will learn a dance combination set to music. The style of dance will vary each week from contemporary to street dance and will prepare students to be able to move their bodies even when not using their favorite aerial apparatus. Each class will begin with a warm up to prep the body for the movement being executed during that session. Then students will be taught the choreography and perform it in groups for the other students in the class. It’s not about having a perfect combo but about learning to move comfortably and pick up and execute choreography to the best of your ability. Dance shoes (jazz or ballet) are recommended but not required; socks or barefeet are acceptable and may be encouraged for some choreography.

Open Gym: Practice what you've learned in class! This is not suitable for brand new beginners, as there will be no instruction. Please note that this is for you to practice skills you already know - students are forbidden from instructing others. All students under 18 must have an adult present the entire time.

Fire & Flow Jam: Join us outside in the parking lot for all things fire. Free, but a suggested donation of $5 to help cover costs of materials. Come play, watch, and bring a friend if you'd like!

24-hour cancellation policy: If you cancel within 24 hours of class, you forfeit your class credit. Certain exceptions may be made, but only at the discretion of Circus Collective, including in the case of injury or illness (accompanied by a note from your physician).

Should Circus Collective cancel a class you are enrolled in, the class credit will be returned to your account. This credit will maintain the original expiration date. If you are uncertain of this date, please feel free to contact us by emailing If the credit has fewer than 30 days remaining, please contact the front desk for an extension within 48 hours.


4459 Jason St. Unit 3, Denver CO 80211 • (720)

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